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Strawberry panna cotta is one type of pudding originating from northern Italy. There are various types of panna cotta, depending on the type of complementary ingredients, such as; various kinds of berries, caramel, chocolate, or dried fruit.

With a creamy taste and a soft texture, strawberry panna cotta is very suitable to be served as your lunch dessert. A little sour taste from strawberries on this panna cotta strawberry recipe will bring fresh flavors when you enjoy.

To get a more sour taste of strawberry sauce, you can first store the ripe strawberry in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then process it into a sauce according to the recipe. In this way, you will get a fresher sauce for your strawberry panna recipe.

In this panna cotta recipe we add black pepper as a flavor enhancer, if you don't like black pepper, you can replace it with other ingredients such as honey or brown sugar.

  • 15 g powdered gelatin, team together 3 tablespoons of hot water until dissolved
  • 150 ml of liquid milk
  • 500 ml of thick cream
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla powder
  • Sauce :
  • 250 g of strawberries
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper powder
  1. Pudding: mix gelatin solution with liquid milk, mix well.
  2. Pimple cream and sugar over a low heat while stirring until sugar dissolves, remove.
  3. Add the mixture of milk-gelatin and vanilla, stirring while hot until the gelatin is cooked and completely dissolved.
  4. Strain the pudding dough, put it into 6 small clear cup of bowl. Store it in the refrigerator until it hardens.
  5. Put all the ingredients of the sauce into the blender. Process until smooth. Transfer it to a bowl, store it in the refrigerator until it is used.
  6. Take out the pudding from the fridge, serve it cold with the sauce.
This recipe allows you to create as you wish. Besides being able to replace black pepper in sauce recipes, you can also replace strawberries with other berries according to your preferences and family.
Be creative with our strawberry cotta recipe and don't forget to leave your comments and suggestions here.

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