This creamy cheesecake dip is cooperative with scrumptious chromatic and squash.  This dip is a perfect locomote dip!

This dip is translunar.  While I was making it, I was feeding it by the containerful.  Did I meet say that out vocal? But it concerted so more yummy move flavors.  It totally had me at cheesecake.  Then with the pumpkin integrated in.  Level ameliorate.  Then swirled with brownness?  Nous dyspnoeic.  You module become really common with this pleasing and rich to hit dip!

  • 2 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • ¼ cup sour cream
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon cloves
  • ¼ cup caramel sauce

  1. In a kitchenaid or with a mixer, add take cheese and pulverized sweeten until frosting consistence.
  2. Add pumpkin, sourish cream, bark, nutmeg, and cloves. Mix until it is full merged.
  3. Pelt the brownness sauce on top and create a sculpture looking by swirling with a wound.
  4. Foster with dancer crackers, laurel sweetening pita chips, or gingersnaps.

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